Concurrent treatment of HIV, disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex and HCV-infection

03.09.2021 ·
Patients with HIV-infection diagnosed at late stages usually have significant immunosuppression and demand simultaneous antiretroviral therapy and treatment of opportunistic infections. The presence of HCV coinfection makes treatment even more challenging because of possible adverse effects and drug-drug interactions. HCV cure in such clinical situations not only prevents fibrosis progression, but can also enhance virologic and/or immunologic response to antiretrovirals and thus effective treatment of opportunistic infections. Thorough consideration of all existing diseases and drug interactions of the combined therapy makes simultaneous treatment of HIV, chronic hepatitis C, and opportunistic infections not only possible but the best way to improve outcomes in a complex clinical situation.

Для цитирования:
Zimina V, Degtyareva S, Beloborodova E, Klimova J, Kravchenko A. Concurrent treatment of HIV, disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex and HCV-infection. Folia Med (Plovdiv) 2021;63(4):586-90. doi: 10.3897/folmed.63.e56124

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Проблемы туберкулеза, ВИЧ-инфекции, микобактериоза. Туберкулез и беременность. Очные и дистанционные консультации, консультации "второго мнения".

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